miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

Multimedia Phrasebook

To create a Multimedia Phrasebook in English and in each of the Partners languages is one of Comenius Project Products that we have to deal with.

Each School has to create 7 sentences of each of the proposed topics in the native language and in English. In order to organize this product, you are kindly requested to use the following chart under these headings:
  1. Product
  2. Phrase in your Mother Tongue
  3. Recording 
  4. Illustration
  5. Phrase in English
Multimedia Phrasebook Chart

To be able to upload the recording of the phrase (both in your language and in English) we thought it would be a nice idea to record the students saying these phrases with a video camera or just audio. This makes it more interactive, and a great activity for the students to take part in. The topics are the following:

 For more information, please click here