miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

Multimedia Phrasebook

To create a Multimedia Phrasebook in English and in each of the Partners languages is one of Comenius Project Products that we have to deal with.

Each School has to create 7 sentences of each of the proposed topics in the native language and in English. In order to organize this product, you are kindly requested to use the following chart under these headings:
  1. Product
  2. Phrase in your Mother Tongue
  3. Recording 
  4. Illustration
  5. Phrase in English
Multimedia Phrasebook Chart

To be able to upload the recording of the phrase (both in your language and in English) we thought it would be a nice idea to record the students saying these phrases with a video camera or just audio. This makes it more interactive, and a great activity for the students to take part in. The topics are the following:

 For more information, please click here

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

Logo contest/Concurso de Logo

I. Organizadores:
El concurso está organizado por los socios del Proyecto Multicultural "Democratic Values and Linguistic Diversity" (DVALD)

II. Objetivo del concurso: crear un logo común para usarlo a lo largo de los dos años de duración del proyecto.

III. Participación: Pueden participar todos los estudiantes de los centros participantes en el Proyecto Comenius de Bulgaria, Italia, Polonia, Rumanía, España y Turquía. Cada Instituto elegirá un logo ganador que competirá con los ganadores de los otros países participantes en la elección final en la reunión que tendrá lugar en Polonia a primeros de febrero.

IV. Contenido

  • El logo debe ser claro, conciso, legible, expresivo, reconocible y limpio.
  • El logo debe ser original y adaptable a varios medios de comunicación (media, pósters, publicaciones, grabaciones, video, página web, folletos y otros materiales de promoción...) y que pueda usarse con efectividad tanto en color como en monocromo.
  • El logo debe incluir el nombre del proyecto bien en forma completa o abreviada.
  • The logo must be clear, clean, legible concise, expressive and recognizable at small size
  • The logo must have its own character and  be easily adjusted to the various means of communication (media, posters, publications, recordings, video, website, banners and other promotional materials, etc.) and used with effectiveness both in color and monochrome version.
  • Header MUST include the name of the Project either in full or in short.

·         El logo debe representar la imagen del proyecto y debe tener una representación gráfica que interprete los valores, objetivos, actividades y productos del proyecto.
·         El logo se diseñará en formato con resolución .jpg  o .jpeg,con una anchura máxima de 1000 pixels, y una altura máxima de 300 pixels, y una profundidad de: 32-bit
·         Los participantes entregarán con el diseño del logo una descripción explicativa del logo pudiendo incluir gráficos y texto en dicha explicación.

V. Selección del logo ganador:
Cada Instituto seleccionará un logo y la selección final la hará un jurado compuesto por un profesor y un alumno de cada país en la reunión de Polonia

VI. Criterios de selección:
El Jurado aplicará los siguientes criterios:  
1. Cumplimiento de los contenidos del logo expresados en el apartado IV de estas bases.
2. Representatividad del logo;
3. Originalidad de la composición;
4. El impacto potencial del logo;
5. Que pueda usarse en varios medios de comunicación;
6. Otros aspectos objetivos que el jurado pueda considerar;
VII. Premios:
El ganador del concurso, a nivel del IES Josefina Aldecoa, será uno de los alumnos becados para ir a Polonia en la reunión de febrero, siempre que esté apuntado al proyecto Comenius, tenga un buen rendimiento, dominio del inglés, habilidades sociales y disponibilidad para acoger a otro estudiante. El premio al ganador final será decidido en la reunión de Polonia.

VIII. Fecha de entrega
16 de diciembre de 2013.  Se puede entregar al profesor coordinador o por e-mail al coordinador general del proyecto: comeniusiesja@gmail.com  
Coordinador general
José Félix Barrio
IES Josefina Aldecoa

Se abre la convocatoria para diseñar el logo del proyecto
Fecha límite: 16 de diciembre
(ver las bases aquí debajo en inglés)

I. Organizers:
This contest is brought to you by the Comenius Multilateral School Partnership for the Multilateral Comenius Project, entitled “Democratic Values and Linguistic Diversity” (DVALD).
II. Contest Objective: to create a common project logo to be used all through the project lifespan.
III. Eligibility. All participants in this Comenius Project from Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey. Each partner School will design and select a logo within its own institution to participate in the final contest competition to be held in the Project Meeting in Poland
IV. Content
·      The Logo must represent the image of the project and thus be a graphic interpretation of its Values, Objectives, Activities and Products.
·      The Logo will be drawn up in the format: jpg  or jpeg resolution, Logo width: max. 1000 pixels, Logo height: max. 300 pixels, Bit depth: 32-bit
·      The participants will submit an additional and explanatory description of the logo. This can include both graphics and text.
V. Selection of the logo contest winner:
The Winner of the Logo contest will be selected by a Jury made up of one teacher and one student from each partner school at the meeting in Poland.
VI. Selection criteria
The following criteria will be considered by the Jury:
1. The creation of the graphic must meet the requirements listed in section IV (content);
2. Representativeness of the logo;
3. The originality of composition;
4. The potential impact of the logo;
5. Provide a logo to be used in various means of communication;
VII. Prizes:
A Logo contest winner will be awarded.
General Coordinator
José Félix Barrio
Submission: Via wikispace common place and/or e-mail to your country’s coordinator or general coordinator: comeniusiesja@gmail.com  no later than December 16th 2013

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

Agreements reached at the October Meeting in Spain

Good afternoon Europe!

After such an inspiring and action-packed few days spent together in Madrid, together as a Partnership we came to some really interesting agreements, that will be realised over the course of this Comenius Project. 

In the link attached here at the bottom, you can see the numerous amounts of activities that we will play out between now and 2015. 

We thoroughly enjoyed our three days together last month (21st-23rd October) and we look forward to forming a great relationship with the representatives from Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Romania and Turkey. 

Overall, as you will see in the attached document, these are the main products that we will enjoy taking part in and achieving:

3. WEBPAGE. General information. Every partner can submit articles er with their own username and password
4. BLOG. It should be used  as a newspaper tool.
5 . WIKI. It should be used as a teamwork tool, where everyone can edit information6. Facebook
7. VIDEO CONFERENCE. It should be used for the videoconferences specified in the workplan
8. MULTIMEDIA PHRASE BOOK, with phrases related to codes of conduct, values and topics of the project
9. VALUES LEAFLET to be done through the project lifespan.
10. READING PLAN, with common rules
13. SPORTS COMPETITION, highlighting fair play
15. VIDEO ARCHIVE for each outcome and with all the products

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

 Evaluation Questionnaire of the Meeting in Alcorcón (Spain)

October 21, 22 and 23, 2013

This questionnaire is an introduction to the process of evaluation. Questions that you are going to answer will be helpful in expressing your expectations connected to our partnership. All answers will be useful for improving our cooperation by pointing out its different aspects.
This questionnaire is anonymous. We will be grateful for sincere answers.
1. Sex: man woman
2. Nationality: …………………………….
3. Do you speak English: yes no

If you answered “yes” go to question number 5.

4. How did you communicate with the participants during the project meeting?
· I spoke in other foreign language
· My colleagues helped me
· Other ………………………………………..

5. How many other Comenius projects have you participated in?

6. Why have you decided to join the project “Democratic Values and Linguistic Diversity? Choose as many answers as you need.
· My school suggested
· I am interested in intercultural dialogue
· I want to change my school
· I want better motivation for my students
· I want to visit foreign countries
· It’s important for my career
· Other reason …………………………………………….

7. Do you believe that participating in Comenius projects helps to increase student’s motivation?

8. How are you going to disseminate the project ideas and experiences?

9. Why have you decided to take part in first project meeting, in Spain?

10. What were your expectation connected with the first meeting in Spain?

11. How helpful was contact with the school coordinator of host school between the project meeting?
Notice ……………………………………………………………………
12. What was the most interesting part of project meeting in Spain?

13. What was your most memorable experience from the first Comenius meeting in Spain?

14. What difficulties did you face during the first project meeting in Spain?

15. What would you like to change in project meetings’ organisation?

16. How helpful was the first project meeting in improving the international cooperation between partner schools?


miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2013






This Blog

The project Blog  will contain everything related to the Comenius project “Democratic Values and Linguistic Diversity"  
  • summary
  •  objectives
  • activities
  • mobilities
  • project meetings
  • results
  • evaluation
 It is a visual and dynamic online platform which illustrates and disseminates the project development through regular updating: writings, introductions, descriptions of places, pictures and videos on Democratic Values and Linguistic Diversity.  All outcomes on the Blog are the results of students’ and teachers’ common team work at the six partner schools: Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey.

We are very glad to have this tool to participate , regularly, as a NEWSPAPER.

Every country will participate in giving information about the research being done by each School at different times of the project, all related to the Workprogramme, results and outcomes of the Project.

Different topics from different points of view will be shared, we are all invited to participate in this blog.

How do we develop democratic values in our school and local community?

Is our curriculum dealing with a "Civic Society"?

If you have any other ideas to introduce this blog, please edit it

Coordinator's Country